Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Meet Bob

On Infant Abduction Prevention we promote our Infant Protection System line quite heavily. But, I think it's time for you to know, if you don't already, that Accutech doesn't JUST specialize in infant abduction prevention solutions. We also work with the long term care and assisted living markets by offering a superb line of patient wanderer security systems. For more information on our Patient Wanderer Security System, click here.

With that, I’m pleased to announce the addition of a new sales person to our already awesome Accutech sales team.

Our new team member, Bob Panagis, will be our Sales Manager for the long term care and assisted living markets. He comes to us with over 8+ years of experience in the LTC market. His previous roles include Regional Sales Manger for VT-Americas and Regional Sales Manager for RF Technologies.

Bob will be tasked with strengthening our relationships with our clients and prospects in both the LTC and assisted living markets by working directly with facilities, as well as, attacking the market from a corporate standpoint.

I’m sure Bob will be a great fit to the Accutech sales team!

If you'd like to speak with Bob to evaluate your patient wanderer security system or for a proposal for an Accutech System, give him a call at 800-356-2671 ext 1113 or shoot him an email at BobP@Accutech-ICS.com.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What is Cuddles?

Cuddles is our newest system in our family of Infant Protection Systems, but it still seems folks have some inquires. I'm hoping this rundown will give you some of the answers you're looking for. If not, remember our support staff is available 24/7 and would love to hear from you!

Cuddles is a system used for preventing infant abductions from hospitals.

The System consists of a Soft Bracelet/tag combination worn by infants on their wrist or ankle, Transmit Antennas strategically placed at exits, and BR Receivers installed at regular intervals throughout the monitored area.

In a typical application, the maternity ward of a hospital is defined as a “safe area.” Within this area, infants may be moved freely. Exits from the safe area are equipped with Transmit Antennas mounted above or beside doorways. As an infant approaches a Transmit Antenna, the tag sends a special signal to the BR Receivers identifying itself and its location. This information is relayed to the Main PC, where an alarm message is automatically displayed.

The tag is automatically enrolled into the system as soon as it is attached to the infant. From the moment it is activated, the tag’s flashing On/OFF light indicates that the tag is activated and working.

Infants can be removed from the safe area for testing and other legitimate purposes. The tag is “Signed Out” of the system for a set time, either through the Main PC, or through optional keypads placed at exits. If the tag is not detected by the system after the Sign Out time has expired, an alarm can be automatically generated.

The Cuddles System is hardware based and UL Security Listed. The Main PC is connected over the network to every BR Receiver and Transmit Antenna, along with optional devices such as Controller/Alarm Outputs. All devices are continually supervised, and an alarm is automatically generated if communication is lost. Because Cuddles is not PC based, if there is a malfunction in the PC or the system crashes, the security system will still be fully functional and the hospital and infants will still be protected and safe.

Cuddles is modular in design providing flexibility during installation, and easy expansion or upgrades. Small systems can be enlarged to cover larger areas, or to add other applications.

Accutech Security Solutions
Cuddles is just one of the RF-based systems from the Accutech security product line. The Patient Wanderer Security System and the AccuTrack Asset Tracking System provide facility-wide locating of personnel and important assets. Build on the same basic infrastructure as Cuddles, these applications can easily and efficiently be added to an existing Cuddles System.

Monday, October 29, 2007

The Evolution of Accutech

As we continue to move forward by focusing on Accutech's sales approach within the market, our operations must evolve as well. As such, we have made some modifications to both sales and operations.

Effective Monday, November 5, 2007, Terry Gerlach will assume the role of Operations Technician reporting to Kurt Springer, Operations Manager. In his new role, Terry will be involved in many aspects of the operations including repair, assembly, test, shipping, receiving and other operations activities. Terry will also provide backup phone support to Technical Services for customer phone support requests.

The Inside Sales position Terry is leaving in sales will transition into a sales position that is more directly involved in outside sales with a focus on the Long Term Care market. This position is still being defined and we expect to fill this position from outside the company. This new position will report to Karl Radke, Director Sales and Marketing.

With this change in our business, Steve Chirpka will be leaving Accutech effective November 5, 2007. Steve will be taking a position with Vuance. We wish Steve success in his new role and thank him for his many years of service with Accutech.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Soft Bracelet IS Compatible with Cuddles!

We are starting to get a lot of inquiries regarding our new Cuddles Infant Protection System. Out of all of the questions we’ve received so far, the biggest concern seems to be: “Is the Soft Bracelet compatible with the Cuddles System?”


Your Soft Bracelet is part of Accutech’s “Nurse Friendly” Cuddles Infant Protection System.

Just like before, the Soft Bracelet combined with the new Cuddles Infant Protection System will let nurses spend more time caring for their patients and less time managing a security system.

Accutech’s plan in creating the only Soft Bracelet on the market and the most “Nurse Friendly” Infant Protection System, Cuddles, was to provide nurse managers with an affordable infant security solution that also fits the needs of individual hospitals while providing peace of mind for the nursing staff.

The Cuddles Soft Bracelet features include:
  • Tamper-proof. The Cuddles System’s Soft Bracelet helps prevent infant abductions and reduces liability. An alarm will sound if a bracelet is tampered with, cut, or removed from an infant ensuring safety day and night for infants.
  • Self-adjusting. The Soft Bracelet adjusts automatically to an infant’s ankle or wrist after post-birth weight loss. Therefore, the bracelet won’t fall off and will not create false alarms.

  • Comfortable. The Cuddles System is the only infant protection system with a Soft Bracelet. The Soft Bracelet, unlike other bands, is made of a soft polyester-blend elastic bracelet that stretches to fit each individual infant’s wrist/ankle and prevents cutting and chafing of the infant’s skin. The lightweight and flexible design of the Cuddles Soft Bracelet allows an infant to be cared for in unparalleled comfort and care without restricting the infant’s movement.

Hopefully that clears things up. If not, please check out our website for more information on the new Cuddles Infant Protection System. Or don't hesitate to call our sales staff at 1-800-356-2671!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Accutech is UL Listed

That's right! Accutech is the first infant protection system to be Security UL Listed!

Click here for more information.

Friday, September 28, 2007

New Product Line Introduced by Accutech

Cuddles is Accutech’s Newest Product in Infant Protection!

Accutech’s latest innovation, the “Nurse Friendly” Cuddles Infant Protection System, gives nurses the ability to spend more time caring for infants and less time managing the hospital’s security system.

The Cuddles System saves nurses valuable time and protects infants by keeping them safe and secure with Cuddles’ patented Soft Bracelet. The NEW Cuddles Infant Protection System is designed to protect infants with a soft and comfortable bracelet/tag combination that incorporates state-of-the-art RFID technology.

“Nurses and parents love the soft bracelet and the security it provides their infants,” says Karl Radke, Sales and Marketing Director at Accutech.

Cuddles Infant Protection System features include the following:
  • Self-Adjusting Soft Bracelet for infants. The new “Nurse Friendly” Soft Bracelet technology makes caring and protecting infants easy. The Soft Bracelet won't fall off due to weight loss, which eliminates the need to replace and readjust bracelets. The soft polyester blended fabric eliminates cutting and chafing of the infant’s skin. The Soft Bracelet is also proven to help protect against infant abductions because of its tamper-proof design that alarms in the event of removal or cutting.

  • Self-guided software. Nurses are capable of admitting and discharging patients in moments and staff training is done in minutes, not hours or days. Simple tag activation and monitoring also saves nurses time allowing them more time to focus on the comfort and care of their patients.

  • Small easy-clean tags. The smooth, lightweight design is easy to clean. Tags include an "On/Off" indicator light for extended tag life so nurses won’t have to worry about wasting the battery when it’s not needed.

If you would like a FREE demonstration of the Cuddles System or a proposal, please call us now at 1-800-356-2671 or email us at sales@Accutech-ICS.com. Just ask for the Cuddles "Nurse Friendly" Infant Protection System.

All proposal requests are fulfilled within two business days upon receipt of required project information.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Change is Good

Change is good, especially here at Accutech where our recent changes have been made with our customers in mind. Throughout the recent months, we’ve added several new members to our Accutech family.

As of March 12, 2007, Mike Busha became our new Western Regional Sales Manager. Mike’s background includes 15+ years in the medical/surgical consultant area, as well as, a Senior Account Executive with a Fortune 500 company for 6 years.

Mike is easy to work with and exhibits a professional attitude with a drive to provide his accounts with excellent customer service and support! Since March, Mike has proven to be a great fit for Accutech’s sales team and the rest of our family.

In addition, early this summer two of our hard-working technical support members moved on to the sales side of Accutech. Perhaps some of you have already met or talked with Michael Schmit or Terry Gerlach on the phone.

As of July 12, 2007, Michael Schmit took on responsibilities of the Northeastern Regional Sales Manager joining both Mike Busha and Chris Bachmann on the sales team.

Not only is Michael knowledgeable and friendly, his background in technical support makes him an asset to the sales team. He has the ability to work on many levels with hospital administration and nurse management by providing the service you’d expect from Accutech, plus the benefit of knowing the ins and outs of our systems, which makes for impressive services and support!

Last but certainly not least, our most recent change, Terry Gerlach, became our new Sales Consultant on August 1, 2007. As he quickly learns the ropes, he’s finding his niche by making a leap from technical training into sales where he works one on one with our regional sales managers and nurse managers assisting them in any way possible.

We are very fortunate to have our current support staff. Each member takes pride in working with you by providing unparalleled support and services. If you haven’t met your sales rep (and you should have), please feel free to give them a call. I know they'd love to personally speak with you today!

Chris Bachmann

Southeastern Regional Sales Manager
(414) 855-1127

Mike Busha
Western Regional Sales Manager
(414) 855-1124

Michael Schmit
Northeastern Regional Sales Manager
(414) 855-1112

Friday, August 31, 2007

Out of the Loop?

If you aren’t in the loop regarding Accutech’s product information, let us know! We can send monthly email updates concerning Accutech, new products, technical news, training programs, etc.

Give us a call (800-356-2671) to sign up to be on our email list today!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

One Infant is Enough

The other day I was on the phone with a Nurse Manager from a medium-sized hospital in Alabama. I was asking some brief introductory questions regarding the kind of security system they use on their birthing unit.

To my surprise, this hospital only uses the same lock and alarm system as the rest of the hospital (if that) since administrators don't want to spend the money on a new system specific to infant protection and safety.

"Why not," I asked.

"I just don't think our hospital will see the benefits to having an expensive system when we only have about thirty-some births a year," she said.

I'm not one to press, but now that I think of it, even a small hospital should protect their newborns. I thought back to a press release we wrote in the winter about two infant abductions from hospital maternity wards. Interestingly, one hospital was a smaller-sized facility...

Check out the press release here. Infant Abductions are a real threat and something that shouldn't be taken lightly.

All infants, whether one, two, or ten of them in a single hospital, should be safe and secure. Why jeopardize an infant's safety or a mother's well being when there are preventative methods.

If you'd like to hear about the benefits to having an Infant Protection System, please don't hesitate to call one of our sales reps at 1-800-356-2671, or if you'd like to see for yourself, simply go to our website.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Nurse Friendly

Are you tired and frustrated from dealing with your hospital’s security system?

You and I both know you are working hard to provide the BEST comfort and care for your patients and shouldn’t be forced to act as tech support! Honestly Jane, we hear you!

After speaking with so many great nurse managers and administrators over the years, one thing was clear. When it comes to infant protection systems, they want a solution that's simple to use and allows their nurses to spend more time caring for patients. They indicated that they're tired of managing a security system most of all.

That’s why over the last year, Accutech has been working hard to continue the development of the FIRST “Nurse Friendly” Infant Protection System. Now you have the ability to spend more time caring for each of your patients and less time managing the hospital’s security system.

Your “Nurse Friendly” System features includes the same self-adjusting Soft Bracelet for your infants and self-guided software as indicated in my previous post.

Ease-of-use was a key element that went into our new design. The new system lets your nurse managers do what they were hired to do, which is to provide superior patient care.

To learn more about Accutech’s “Nurse Friendly” Infant Protection System simply go to

The Best Possible Security

You know, your hospital’s security shouldn’t stop with just a button and flashing light! You should offer the BEST possible security for your patients. That’s why Accutech developed their state-of-the-art Infant Protection System that offers you and your infants the BEST security available!

Accutech’s Infant Protection System goes above and beyond the typical push button/alarm system. Our system offers the comfort, care and flexibility your staff and patients need!

Your system’s benefits include:

Self-Adjusting "Soft Bracelet" for Infants

    • Won't fall off due to weight loss

    • Eliminates cutting and chafing of the infant's skin

    • Lightweight and flexible

    • Protects and alarms in the event of removal or cutting
    • Reusable tags

"Self-Guided" Software

    • Simple operation

    • Nurses can admit and discharge patients in moments

    • Staff training is done in minutes, not hours or days

    • No enrollment needed for instant protection

    • Simple tag activation and monitoring

Remember, security is NOT something you should skimp on! You want the BEST in comfort, care and safety for your infants. Our Infant Protection System offers that and much more.

For more information on ways to keep your infants safe visit, www.Accutech-ICS.com